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News and Events
Your technology news updates and events
1. What New Data Privacy Legislation Means for SaaS Users (01 September 2021)
2. How to Speed Up Your Software Testing Cycle: 5 Key Tips (30 August 2021)
3. Why is there a chip shortage?(27 August 2021)
4. Four Key Steps to Simplify Enterprise AI Success (24 August 2021)
5. Three Steps to Enabling Better Use of Business Data (18 August 2021)
6. How is Big Data Evolving? (02 August 2021)
7. Technology is the cushion against supply chain foul-ups (28 July 2021)
8. Using AI and Data Analytics to Monetize Data: 4 Techniques (19 July 2021)
9. Four Predictions for Data Intelligence and the Consumer Identity Challenge (30 June 2021)
10. Why Machine Learning Projects Fail – and How to Make Sure They Don’t (24 June 2021)
11. Top 10 Data Science Trends For This Decade (11 April 2021)
12. Top 9 New Technology Trends for 2021 (5 April 2021)
13. Gartner identifies top 10 data and analytics technology trends for 2021 (16 March 2021)
14. Reasons Why AI Projects Fail, and How to Fix Them (14 January 2021)
15. 10 Workplace Trends To Watch For In 2021 (11 January 2021)
1.Artificial Intelligence in 2021: ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES AND GROWTH ( December 28, 2020)
2. Govtech, Tableau renew partnership to deepen public officer's data skills (7 July 2020)
3. Tableau Training: 5 Things You Need to Know (28 May 2020)
4. How to Prevent Data Black Holes from Swallowing your organization whole (30 April 2020)
5. Using Machine Learning to Drive Business Value (26 April 2020)
6. Creating Resilient Company Operations in the Face of Epidemics (08 April 2020)
1. Capitalising on data-led insights key to business growth (17 Dec 2019)
2. Balancing act: chief data officers must ensure the right mix of trust and governance (9 Dec 2019)
3. Four key insights from GovTech’s cloud architect (12 Oct 2019)
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